Bass Pro & Cabela’s A/R Financing Experts
PO Funding & A/R Factoring for Big Box Retailers
Bass Pro Shop Vendors receive large purchase orders but must wait 60-90 days for payment. Wholesalers and Vendors for Cabela’s and Bass Pro need working capital to fight the supply chain disruption, running inflation, and fears of recession. Bass Pro Vendors are hurting for payroll funding, PO Financing, and working capital to grow their business.
Bass Pro Vendors wholesaling import products are fighting cash flow shortages from production delays, increased material costs, and jammed-up US ports. Bankers Factoring helps Bass Pro Shops Vendors secure working capital through non-recourse invoice factoring. We remove the burden of cash gaps for businesses selling merchandise to Cabela’s and Bass Pro.
Bankers Factoring works with Bass Pro Suppliers in many categories from Guns and Ammo, Wholesale Importing, fishing, hunting, clothing, food items, and more. Our Bass Pro Vendor Invoice Factoring eliminates the long operating and payment cycles.
Bass Pro understands its vendors need for working capital and accelerated payments. Bass Pro Shops Vendor Portal even references Factoring:
Notice of Assignment of Account
The Vendor shall provide Bass Pro Shops written notice of an assignment, factoring, or transfer of its right to receive payments 30 days prior to such assignment, factoring, or other transfer taking legal effect.
Name and Address of Assignee/transferee
Terms of the assignment
Date assignment is to begin
The vendor shall be allowed to have only one assignment, factoring, or transfer legally effective at any one point in time. No multiple assignments, factorings, or transfers by the Vendor shall be permitted. Vendors may send notices to or fax them to (417) 873-5089.
Please keep reading about our Bass Pro and Cabela’s Vendor Invoice Factoring Financing services.
What is Bass Pro Vendor Invoice Factoring?
Invoice factoring is a form of business financing where an entity sells its accounts receivables (AR) to Bankers Factoring in exchange for immediate cash funding. Bass Pro Vendors can finance their wholesale business by selling their invoices for Same Day Invoice Factoring.
Invoice Factoring, also called AR Factoring, is a simple four-step transaction:
- Open invoices or receivables are created for services rendered to Bass Pro or Cabela’s
- The client application is submitted to Bankers Factoring with the open invoices for approval
- Bankers Factoring approves the factoring deal and transfers up to 93% of the total AR balance the same day.
- Bankers Factoring rebates the remaining open balance less our small factoring fee starting at .75%.
How Does Bass Pro Vendor Factoring Financing Work?
The process of vendor AR Factoring is straightforward and does not require business or business owner credit checks. Your working capital is deposited directly into your checking account upon approval. Bankers Factoring provides wholesale vendors a cash flow management solution to cover all business expenses.
Bass Pro Shops makes invoice factoring easy with their required electronic data interchange (EDI) for transactions. EDI communicates between Bass Pro Shops and their Vendor for new Purchase Orders, Advance Ship Notices, and Invoicing. When partnering with Bankers Factoring your Bass Pro Shops Financing is seamless and quick.
Visit our previous article, “Invoice Factoring Due Diligence,” to learn more.
When to Use Bass Pro Vendor Financing?
Bass Pro and Cabela’s Vendors are in challenging market conditions, hurting their cash flow. If your wholesale business struggles with supply chain, inflation, and labor constraints, Same Day AR Factoring Financing can save your business.
Top reasons why Bass Pro Vendors Use Invoice Factoring:
- Payroll Funding
How do you cover payroll when your business lays out lump sums of money to import products? Selling your Bass Pro and Cabela’s open invoices provide liquidity to pay your employees. Without people, vendors cannot run their operations.
- Selling, General, and Administrative Expenses
The everyday expenses to operate your business from rent, salary, advertising, marketing, facility, and maintenance fees. These can quickly add up when your business waits nearly three months to receive payment after delivery.
- Poor Forecasting and Inventory Levels
In 2022 it is difficult for any business to forecast supply and demand or changes in consumer habits adequately. Invoice factoring solves your problem if your wholesale or manufacturing business needs working capital to fulfill your orders.
- Distressed Financial Situations
Bankruptcy, poor credit history, PPP Loans, or IRS Tax Liens are eligible for invoice factoring financing. Unlike conventional bank lending, we work with Bass Pro Vendors after a business loan denial.
- PO Financing
Bankers Trade Financing helps Bass Pro Vendors procure products without the capital outlay. We provide PO Financing in combination with Invoice Factoring. Without Invoice Factoring, we cannot extend PO Financing. The combination of PO Financing and AR Factoring generates sufficient cash flow for our vendor clients.
Advantages of Bass Pro Shops Vendor Invoice Factoring
The main benefit of invoice factoring is the immediate working capital it provides Bass Pro Vendors. With Bankers Factoring, our Non-Recourse AR Factoring service protects our clients against economic downsides. We provide AR Insurance to cover our clients from customer bankruptcy, slow pay, or bad debt.
We provide a protected cash flow solution to Bass Pro Suppliers with access to unlimited working capital. If your business has resorted to costly Merchant Cash Advances (MCAs) in the past, we are here to save you.
- Access to Unlimited Working Capital
- Up to 93% Total AR Balance Cash Advance
- Factoring Rates Starting at .75%
- AR Insurance
- Cash Flow Management
- Outsourced A/R Management
- Same Day Funding
- Payroll Funding
How to Get Bass Pro Shops Vendor Same-Day Financing?
Contact us today and fill out your funding application to get your Bass Pro Shops Vendor Same-Day Financing. Our 100% remote same-day invoice factoring financing program helps Bass Pro and Cabell’s Vendors today. Once approved, use your funds for payroll, sales tax, rent or lease, and other business expenses.
The easy approval process helps vendors overcome current market conditions. Wholesalers and importers benefit from not taking on balance sheet debt. You do not have to pay Bankers Factoring in high-interest rates or hidden fees. Our Factoring rates start at .75% per 30-days – no hidden costs.