Kentucky Payroll Financing Company
Invoice Factoring Company in Kentucky
Local Kentucky Factoring Company
Kentucky Covid Small Business Response
When you think of Kentucky, you think of wide-open bluegrass fields, the Kentucky Derby, and bourbon. And these things do make the Bluegrass State stand out from the rest. But aside from the Southern country charm of Kentucky, it’s also a place ripe for a lucrative enterprise. Bankers Factoring takes pride in funding Kentucky entrepreneurs with non-recourse invoice factoring and purchase order financing.
In fact, Kentucky’s business climate has grown favorably in recent times. Site Selection magazine, for instance, places the state in the top 5 of their 2021 Prosperity Cup.
What makes the state of Kentucky great for business?
- Its central location puts it at a logistical advantage.
- Low business operation costs
- Efficient transportation network
- Has a well-trained workforce
- Has low costs of living and excellent quality of life
- And a business-minded educational reform
Even last year’s unprecedented pandemic could not stop Kentucky from growing because the state implemented new location and expansion projects, creating almost 8,000 jobs.
Bankers Factoring funds Kentucky businesses in the industries of:
Military Vendors
Primary Metals
Plastics & Rubber
Health Care
And if you’re growing your business in Kentucky, now is a perfect time. But if your growth is causing cash flow issues and you need working capital for your business, Bankers Factoring is the perfect business partner. Turned down for a traditional bank loan? Bankers Factoring has a special program for Kentucky business owners with bruised personal credit and start-ups. That’s why we are the choice for entrepreneurs among Kentucky factoring companies.
Fast Funding
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Why Use Bankers Factoring in Kentucky?
That’s because many entrepreneurs are attracted to Kentucky’s great business climate. This means you’ll have many business competitors. And your business can’t compete and grow if you have issues with cash flow. That’s where a Kentucky factoring company like Bankers Factoring can assist. How so? Because we offer invoice factoring and purchase order financing services, you can get unlimited working capital. Thus, no need to wait for 30-90 days to get funds. You will get immediate cash to fulfill your next order or deliver your services.
In addition, you don’t have to worry about customers who can’t pay. That’s the beauty of working with Bankers Factoring, because we pre-approve your customers’ credit and provide you with credit protection.
Sadly, we have noticed through the years whenever we decline an account debtor (your customer) for credit reasons, and our client sells them without credit protection from us, inevitably, our client takes a hit.
You continue to satisfy your customers and Bankers Factoring will provide unlimited and credit-protected working capital. With Bankers Factoring, your Kentucky business will grow and outperform your competitors.
- We take the Credit Risk
- Discount Rates as Low as .75%
- $20,000-$10,000,000 Invoice Credit Line
- Lexington Factoring Office
- Credit Services & Risk Analysis
- Same Day Funding after Setup with a small factoring fee
- Supply chain financing and PO funding programs
- Apply Online in Minutes
- No Hidden Fees
- Single Invoice Factoring-You pick which Invoices you Fund
- 24/7 Online A/R Reporting
Ready for Bankers Factoring to fund your Kentucky company through invoice factoring services?
Call or go to our Bankers-Factoring Application
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