Starting a Successful Factoring Company Brokerage or Consultancy Bankers Factoring will help you build a Great Factoring Independent Sales Organization. Entrepreneurship is increasingly popular today. In fact, according to Forbes, over fifteen million Americans are self-employed full-time. But with the COVID work-from-home transition and the pressure to come back to the office, the invoice factoring […]
Future Factoring Seminars & Events
Three to four times a year, bankers factoring will have factoring seminars on issues dear to our clients, brokers, and our referral sources.
9 Factoring Broker Networking Rules
Networking Tips for Factor Brokers to Succeed As part of our Factoring Broker education and training, we hope you find these networking rules for Factor brokers useful. 1. Don’t sell or talk too much about yourself at networking meetings. Your goal is to build your sphere of influence by meeting new people who will educate […]
ISO Training and Factoring Broker School 2023
Topics Included in Bankers Factoring Broker Webinar FACTORING 101 We will start our factor broker training school & factor ISO training course with a little invoice factoring and PO Funding 101. If you are a veteran of brokering invoice factoring, then this might be a little rudimentary for you. Additionally, our goal is for you […]